
How do I create a template for printing directly to my Zebra Printer?


Please follow the steps below to create a template and PRN file which will be selected in MicroBiz when printing to your zebra printer directly from MicroBiz.

  1. Download Zebra Designer from their Website:  Zebra Designer
  2. Open to your Business Folder and find the Zebra_Templates folder within
  3. Select one of the lbl files and modify the template to fit your size label and the look you desire
  4. Save this new template in a safe location so you can edit this in the future as you desire
  5. Select File | Print from within the Zebra Designer program
    *Make sure you choose the Print to File check option to create the PRN file
  6. Save the created PRN file in the Business\Zebra_Templates folder for selection within MicroBiz
    **Your PRN file must include the Label Printer Name ( ZD410 or GK420 etc. )
  7. Open MicroBiz
  8. Go to Inventory | Barcode Label Printing | Zebra Printing | Zebra Emulation
  9. Choose your SKU to print your desired PRN file on the right and select Print
  10. Choose your number of labels to print

  • If you need to print labels after receiving a Purchase Order you can use the Direct Zebra function from here as well
  1. Go to Inventory | Purchase Orders | Edit/Receive  or  Vendor Shipment
  2. Receive your Purchase Order or select your received Purchase Order and then select Print Label
  3. Make sure Direct Zebra is chosen on the list, ensure your desired number of labels is correct and select Make Labels
  4. Choose your PRN file on the far right and select Print