This is the first of many MicroBiz setup screens that contains several "tabs" at the top of the screen. Each tab is there to separate settings of a certain type (Figure 3-3).

MicroBiz has numerous invoice formats that may be selected. Some are 40-column invoices (about 3" wide), and some are the traditional 80-column full page (8.5" x 11") or the 80-column half page (8.5" x 5.5"). 

Some invoices are used for laser printers and others for dot matrix printers. You can use different invoice formats on different workstations. When you set up these parameters, it is for the local workstation only.
Click on the Browse Invoice Type button to see other available invoice types. MicroBiz adds new invoice types each year.

  • There are several forms that can be customized by the user, and there is a technical note on how to do this in the Help section (accessible by pressing the F1 key). Some computer programming experience is necessary.
  • Pre-printed invoices may be purchased from NEBS Corporation. MicroBiz will print invoice information in the appropriate places on the NEBS forms. You can see a list of NEBS forms that are currently supported by MicroBiz by clicking on "Browse Invoice Type". NEBS forms can be ordered by calling NEBS at 800-388-3810. Be sure to mention mail code 95293 when ordering to ensure that you receive MicroBiz-compatible forms.
  • Invoices may also be custom designed by MicroBiz for your business. Call us if you would like to discuss a custom designed invoice. For information on customization prices, please contact sales at 800-929-8324.

Figure 3-3

Print Invoice Numbers
Toggles the printing of invoice (receipt) numbers on the receipt. If you don't want the invoice numbers on the receipt, be sure to uncheck this option.

Print Heading
Allows your company name and address to be printed at the top of the invoice. Your company name and address can be entered by going to Management, Customize, Shop Name/Ship-To Data. This only applies to some invoice types.

Print Invoices
If you do not want to print an invoice every time you ring a sale, leave this box unchecked. You can still print an invoice by using the reprint feature at the Work Screen by typing RP into the SKU box (lower-left). Businesses that have lots of sales but only want to print invoices when customers ask for them should use this feature. RP will print the last completed invoice, even if you have already started another.

Always Print Invoices For Credit Card Purchases
If you do not want to print invoices for every sale, you may still want to print receipts for credit card purchases in order to capture the customer's signature. Checking this box will automatically enable the "Print Invoices" option, which you can turn off again.

Print Additional Credit Card Receipt
Turn this on if you would like an additional receipt copy for credit card transactions. This is useful if you will be retaining a signed copy of invoices for credit card transactions, but don't necessarily want extra copies for other tender types. Checking this box will automatically enable the two preceding options, which you can turn off again.

Always Print Invoices For Debit Card Purchases
Same idea as "Always Print Invoices for Credit…", but this setting is for debit card transactions (when the customer enters their 4-digit PIN).

Print Additional Debit Card Receipt
Same idea as "Print Add'l Credit…" but pertaining to debit card receipts.

Enter Invoice Number At F9

Most MicroBiz users do not use this feature. This will prompt you to enter an invoice number each time you ring a sale, as opposed to letting MicroBiz assign them in sequence. The system will not allow you to enter an invoice number that has already been used. If you enter any invoice numbers that contain non-numeric characters (e.g. letters, dashes, periods, etc.) you may lose some search and/or reporting features.

  • Also keep in mind that the largest invoice number allowed by default is 999999. It is suggested to leave this feature OFF, because when the invoice number exceeds 999999 the system will go into a numeric overflow condition. When this occurs, the system will present numerous error conditions and will require MicroBiz intervention to correct the situation.
  • If this happens, please contact MicroBiz support for assistance.

Suppress Zeros For Quantity And Price
This feature leaves the quantity and price blank if they are 0.00. This only applies to some invoice types.

Enter Shipping Information at F9
This will prompt you to enter extra data when you complete a sale from the Work Screen. If you are a mail order type business, you will probably want to use it. It will allow you to enter shipping costs and also track the advertising source ("How Heard") from each sale.

Keep Track Of Changes At F6
At the Work Screen, the F6 key will allow you to make changes to a line item, such as altering the quantity you are selling or the price you are selling it at. This feature will allow you to print a report, during your daily closeout, that will list what changes were made using the F6 edit feature, and the clerk who made these changes.

Print Kit Components On Invoice/Packing List
This will cause all components of a kit to print on the Work Screen and on the invoice whenever the kit is sold. Without this feature checked, only the description of the kit will print. Note that a custom kit automatically prints and includes kit's components.

Enter Miscellaneous Auto Information at F9
This feature is for users of the various Service modules (as opposed to the Standard Retail Module). With this option checked, you will be prompted to enter notes on any services rendered once you click F9 to finish the sale (Figure 3-4).
The information entered on the screen can be found by loading your customer to the Work Screen and clicking Edit/Add to get to the Other Data window.


Figure 3-4

For more information on configuring and using the Service Modules, see below for the Customize Transaction Settings: "Services" tab.

Print Payment Receipts
This will print a receipt when a customer makes a payment on their account. Note that this feature is available in Business Controller Plus versions only.

Invoice Copies To Print
This controls how many copies of the invoice will print each time you ring a sale by default (not including the additional copies of credit card receipts). You can also easily change this number at the time you complete a sale (F9, then Options).

Invoice Banner
This message will come up on the bottom of your invoice. If you are using a 40-column invoice, be aware that the message may "wrap-around" if it is over 40 characters. This may be used for advertising a web site, listing your return policy, or simply thanking your customers.

Closeout Printer Is
The two options here are "80-column" and "40-column." Choosing 80-column means you are using a full size printer (8.5" x 11" for example), and 40-column means you are using a small receipt printer. Note that if you select 40-column, you will not have the extended Close Out Reports options available to 80-column report printers.