The following information will explain how to modify reports, but this is not supported by MicroBiz Technical Support (end users assume all liability for this). Use extreme caution when modifying reports:

  • Make sure to back up any files before modifying them.
  • Make sure to back up any modified reports so you don't lose them.
  • For information on Customizations, please contact Sales at 800-937-2289.

Any of the reports in the program may be modified from the Front Register by typing the = sign in front of the command below.  Report and invoice forms are stored as FRX/FRT files. Find the FILENAME.FRX/FRT and modify it from the Front Register by typing "=MODI REPO <FILENAME>" (where FILENAME is the name of the form desired).
To find the FRX/FRT file for a form, choose the report from the Main Menu and click on the generate report button. The filename will be displayed with a FRX/FRT/PRN extension on the screen (i.e. the filename for the Sales by Department Report is DEPTREPT).
So, when modifying the report, copy DEPTREPT.FRX and DEPTREPT.FRT to a safe place and proceed to the Front Register. Type =MODI REPO DEPTREPT and the Visual FoxPro Report Designer will open up.

The Visual FoxPro Report Designer

The Visual FoxPro Report Designer works in a similar fashion to most other report designers. There are four main sections, known as bands, in any report or invoice: the Page Header, the Detail, the Page Footer and the Summary.

  • The Header typically contains the information on the report that is not statistically relevant, such as the title of the report and the date.
  • The Detail band of the report contains the raw data that is being reported, such as the sales for an individual SKU or the items in an invoice.
  • The Footer contains any extra information you want to include at the bottom of each page, such as a version number for the report. The Footer also contains the totals for invoice forms.
  • The Summary is the section that contains the totals for reports and is only printed at the end of the report, not on each page.

Fields on the Report Form

Individual data fields on the report are known as expressions. Expressions can be populated
with memory variables or values taken from a table. Double-click on a text box to edit its properties. In the expression field, enter the memory variable name. If you wish to use a value from a table, the syntax for the expression is ALIASNAME.FIELDNAME, where ALIASNAME is the name of the table or DBF file. If only a FIELDNAME is entered, the report will use the currently open table. Most reports use tables that are made available for that report so it is best to try to use the data from these tables rather than bringing in data from another table.
The best way to create a new expression field on a report form is to right-click on an existing field and Copy it to the clipboard. Then Paste it back where you want the new field and change the expression to what you want it to be.


Some reports separate data according to a certain parameter. For example, the Sales by Department Report separates the data based on department. In these reports there is a Group Header and a Group Footer. The Header contains the information to indicate how the grouping is done, such as the Department Name in the Sales by Department report, and any other information you want to appear before the detail for that group. The Group Footer commonly contains totals for that group.


The totals for reports are calculated within the form and are easily understandable. Reports use the Summary section of the form to report the totals.
In the Summary section, enter QTY as the expression and in properties choose "Calculations" and select SUM to take the total of the values in the QTY field. You can also use any of the other operators under calculations, such as Average.
You will notice a drop-down box titled "Reset". This is where the computer makes the calculation. If you do not have any grouping in your report, just choose End of Report and it will calculate the expression at the end of the report. If you have grouping in your report and you want to calculate a total for a group in your Group Footer choose the name of the group as the Reset value.

If you make a mistake and irreparably damage a report, you can get a fresh copy by reinstalling from the CD or by finding the file on the CD. Note that in order to avoid overwriting your modified reports during a reinstall/replacement/upgrade, you should make back up copies and store them safely.

Please note that after you copy files from the CD, they may be marked as "read-only." You should use the Windows Explorer or the "attrib" command at a CMD prompt to remove the "read-only" attribute from the files.