The Vendors tab contains all the settings (or access to all the settings) you need to manage your various vendors on a per-item basis.

Figure 6-4

  • Vendor SKU – This is used if your vendor has a different SKU for this item then you will be using within MicroBiz
    • You can manually enter or scan the vendor's barcode here (up to 16 characters), if applicable.
    • This is handy if your vendor uses a different SKU than you do, as you can scan this or the primary SKU at the Purchase Order screen (as well as the Front Register).
  • Vendor Code – The code you have assigned to the main vendor of this item. Click on the Browse button to select a vendor or add/edit your vendor list.
  • Alternate SKU – Similar to the Vendor SKU, but allows for an additional ("alternate") SKU.
    • You can manually enter or scan the vendor's barcode here (up to 16 characters), if applicable.
    • This is handy if your vendor uses a different SKU than you do, as you can scan this or the primary SKU at the Purchase Order screen (as well as the Front Register).
  • Last Order – The date displayed here represents the last time MicroBiz recorded a Purchase Order that included this item.
  • Last Active – The date displayed here represents the last time MicroBiz recorded any activity on this item, including sales, returns, Purchase Orders, etc.
  • Additional Vendors – Click on this button to specify other vendors that can be used to order the currently selected item.