Depending on the closeout method you are using (40- versus 80-column), there are many closeout reports available to you. The following is a list of each report and a brief explanation. Note that all of these totals represent the current amount since the last closeout.
40-Column Reports
- Departmental Sales – gives the total sales separated by Department.
- Products Used – gives a breakdown of each item sold including your profit margin.
- End of Day Report – this is the closeout report for 40-column users. The data reported here includes:
- INS – the first group of data is all about what is coming in.
- Sales – the total sales figure, before tax.
- Taxable Sales – the total sales figure that was considered taxable.
- Non-Taxable Sales – the total sales figure that was considered non-taxable.
- Shop Fees – any shop fees charged.
- Tax – the total amount of tax collected.
- Department Tax – this field will only appear if you have set this up in Management, Customize, Transactions, Taxes (tab). It will not be added to your "Total" after tax but it will appear as part of your Total INS as well as the Total Deposit.
- Total – the grand total of the above INS items, usually considered the total sales for the day.
- Opening Drawer – the amount of money that was in the drawer after the last closeout.
- Paid on Account – the total taken in from house account payments.
- Paid on Layaway – the total taken in from Layaway payments.
- Deposits on IIP – the total taken in from deposits as a part of IIP/WIPs.
- Credits/Prepays – the total taken in from purchased Store Credit.
- Total INS – the grand total of all INS payments.
- OUTS – the second group of data is all about your deposits.
- Layaways Closed – the number of Layaways that have been completed.
- Office Payout – total dollar figure of all Office Payouts.
- Other Payouts – total other (Expense) Payouts.
- Charge to Account – amount that has been added to customers' house accounts.
- Total Deposit – the sum of Cash/Check/Credit/Debit received is included as your Total Deposit.
- MasterCard/Visa – the total payments received within this payment type.
- Discover – the total payments received within this payment type.
- American Express – the total payments received within this payment type.
- Checks – the total payments received within this payment type.
- Cash – the total payments received within this payment type.
- Credits/Coupons – the sum of all Store Credit and/or Coupons redeemed.
- Debit Card – the total payments received within this payment type.
- Closing Drawer – the amount of money left in your cash drawer after the closeout.
- Total OUTS – the grand total of all OUTS payments.
- Monthly Finance Charges – the amount of money accrued from Finance Charges.
- Notes – any notes entered on the Sales Summary for End of Day screen.
- Employees – as with Notes, any employees listed on the Sales Summary screen will appear here.
- Units Sold – total number of items sold.
- Units Received – total number of items received.
- Cost of Goods Sold – the sum of the Cost field from any items sold.
- Cost of Goods Received – the sum of the Cost field from any items received.
- Net Inventory Change – the difference of Units Received and Units Sold (a negative number here means that you have sold more than you have received).
80-Column Reports
There are many closeout Reports available for full-sized printers. Starting on the next page you will find samples of each report.
Summary of Taxable Sales - Included for backwards compatibility and should not be used.
Daily Summary of Taxable Sales - Lists all Invoices that contained taxable sales. Similar to the Daily Summary of Sales Report, but only shows taxable sales.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Clerk, Company/Name, Invoice Number, Subtotal, Tax1, Tax2, Total.
- Also lists Department Tax, if applicable, along with a grand total for each of the Subtotal, Tax1, Tax2 and Total fields.
Figure 5-6
Daily Summary of Non-Taxable Tax1 Sales - Lists all Invoices that contained sales that did not charge Tax1.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Invoice Number, Customer, Clerk, Subtotal, Total.
- Also lists the grand total for each of the Subtotal and Total fields.
Figure 5-7
Daily Summary of Non-Taxable Tax2 Sales - Lists all Invoices that contained sales that did not charge Tax1.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Invoice Number, Customer, Clerk, Subtotal, Total.
- Also lists the grand total for each of the Subtotal and Total fields.
Figure 5-8
Daily Summary of Sales - Lists all sales by Invoice Number. Gives good summary of sales with tax information on each.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Clerk, Company/Name, Invoice Number, Subtotal, Tax1, Tax2, Total.
- Also lists Department Tax, if applicable, along with a grand total for each of the Subtotal, Tax1, Tax2 and Total fields.
Figure 5-9
Transaction Report - Lists all sales by Invoice Number. Breaks each sale down by how the customer paid and what change was given.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Time, Clerk, Invoice Number, Amount Tendered/How Paid, Second Amount Tendered/How Paid, Change Returned/How Paid, Transaction Total.
- Also lists the grand total for each of the Amount Tendered, Change Returned and Transaction Total fields.
Figure 5-10
Currency Totals - Reports totals based on each tender type used.
- A "Multi-Currency Totals" Report will also print out for those using the Multi-Currency feature in MicroBiz.
- Includes the following fields:
- Cash Total, MasterCard/Visa, American Express, Discover, Check, Charge to Account, Credit, Debit Card, Gift Card
- Also lists the Subtotal Paid Out and Subtotal Received for each tender type.
Figure 5-11
Exception Report - Lists all activity by SKU where a change to the default configuration has been made, grouped by Clerk.
- Includes the following fields:
- SKU, Description, Quantity, Price, Cost, Profit Margin Percent.
- Displays subtotal by Clerk, and grand total for each of the Quantity, Price, Cost and Profit Margin Percent fields.
Figure 5-12
Products Used - This report gives data on each item used, including your profit margin. Each item is grouped by Department.
- Includes the following fields:
- SKU, Description, Pfield1 (customizable field), Quantity, Price, Cost, Profit Margin Percent.
- Serialized items will list the Serial Numbers sold.
- Displays subtotal by Department, and grand total for each of the Quantity, Price, Cost and Profit Margin Percent fields.
Figure 5-13
Sales Voided - Lists all sales that have been voided.
- Includes the following fields:
- SKU, Quantity, Price, Cost, Profit Margin Percent.
- Displays subtotal by Department, and grand total for each of the Quantity, Price, Cost and Profit Margin Percent fields.
Figure 5-14
Products Returned - Lists all items that have been returned to inventory.
- Includes the following fields:
- SKU, Description, Quantity, Price, Cost, Profit Margin Percent.
- Displays subtotal by Department, and grand total for each of the Quantity, Price, Cost and Profit Margin Percent fields.
Figure 5-15
Products Returned Damaged - Lists all items that have been returned damaged (returned, but not to inventory).
- Includes the following fields:
- SKU, Quantity, Price, Cost, Profit Margin Percent.
- Displays a grand total for each of the Quantity, Price, Cost and Profit Margin Percent fields.
Figure 5-16
Report on Edits and Voids - Lists any items edited at the Front Register, including the state they were in before and after being edited.
- Includes the following fields:
- Function (describes the action and status, such as "ED-BEF" meaning "edit, before"), SKU, Quantity, Price, Clerk, Time, Date.
Figure 5-17
Expense Payout Reports - Lists all Expense Payouts processed from the Front Register.
- Includes the following fields:
- Date, Time, Clerk, Transaction, Amount.
- Displays a grand total for the Amount field.
Figure 5-18
End of Day Report - A breakdown of the activity since the previous closeout, separated by "INS" and "OUTS." Like its 40-column relative, this is considered the closeout Report, and is the most widely used for 80-column printers.
Figure 5-19
Figure 5-20 |
Summary of Sales by Department - Lists sales totals grouped by Department.
- Includes the following fields:
- Department Code, Department Name, Quantity, Gross Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, Percent of Total.
- Displays a grand total for each of the Quantity, Gross Sales, Discounts, Net Sales and Percent of Total fields.