Title for this screen displays your Invoice Type, but this is referred to as the "Tender Screen." This is where you choose how the customer is paying, the amount tendered and, depending on your configuration, possibly several other options. 

Here is an example of the basic Tender Screen (without some of the additional features) and a brief rundown of how to process a sale (see Figure 5-3):

  1. Starting from the Front Register, press or click on F9 to get to the Tender screen.
  2. Select the tender type that the customer will be using on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. If the customer is not using exact change then change the amount in the "Amount 1" box.
    • If the customer is giving you more than the total, the change will be displayed in the lower-right hand box.
      • Change the tender type for the change if needed (usually not necessary).
    • If the customer is giving you a partial amount of the total (to split the tender) than you will be prompted to choose another tender type for the remaining total.
  4. Click OK to finalize the sale and print a receipt.


Figure 5-3


Figure 5-4

The following is a list of every possibly accessible feature on the Tender Screen (see Figure 5-4) and what each does:

  1. Total – a large and easy to read display of the total for this sale.
  2. Amount 1 –the amount tendered by the customer (amount they are giving you, before change is made)
    • This figure can either be the full amount of the sale, a higher amount (if the customer requires change), or a partial amount, so multiple tender types and/or currencies can be used.
  3. How Paid 1 –the number here corresponds to the tender type selected from the window on the right (see step 9 in this list).
    • It is not necessary to type the number in. Just click in this window, then click on the desired tender type from the list.
  4. Tender 2 –the remaining amount tendered by the customer.
    • This figure can either be the remaining amount of the sale (which is displayed here by default) or a higher amount if the customer requires change.
    • An amount less than the remaining amount due cannot be entered here.
  5. How Paid 2 – the number here corresponds to the tender type selected from the window on the right for the "Tender 2" amount.
  6. Invoice Printer Names – if enabled under Printer Settings, you can select from two different printer/invoice types here.
  7. Initials – the initials of the clerk or salesperson for this sale. This is used for tracking invoices and commission.
  8. Order # -this is a completely optional field for users who want an additional identifier (other than the Invoice Number) for various purposes.
    • Some, but not all invoice types will print this value on the receipt.
    • This figure is also stored in MicroBiz, should you need to refer to it or search for it using a Query.
  9. Tender Type List –a listing of all currently available tender types.
    • The background color of this frame indicates if you are currently looking at a list for "How Paid 1" or "How Paid 2."
      • Green background: you are selecting the tender type for "How Paid 1."
      • Yellow background: you are selecting the tender type for "How Paid 2."
      • To switch between the two, just click in the respective field on the left.
  10. How Paid 3 and Change Due – these windows display the change due to the customer and the tender type selected for this.
  11. OK/Cancel/Additional Options –aside from clicking OK to finish or Cancel to go back, there are a few quick options you can choose from at the bottom of the Tender screen:
    • Waiver – for the Service Module users, you can edit and enable/disable a waiver here.
    • Invoice Type – this is a quick way to get to the Print Settings window, should you need to change an invoice or other option right away.
    • OK – click here to process the invoice!
    • Cancel – click here to go back to the Front Register!
    • Ship To – allows you to change the default shipping address of the customer quickly.
    • This option only appears when you have loaded a customer before completing the sale.
    • Options –displays a shortcut to some options you may want to change at the time of sale.
      • Packing list – this option allows you to print a copy of the invoice with different information on it called a "Packing List," as it is usually used for shipping.
      • E-Mail – check this box to e-mail the invoice to the customer.
      • Always prompt for printer – with this on you will be prompted each time you complete a sale to select the printer you wish to use.
      • Clear notes after printing… – these "notes" appear on your invoice and if you want what you enter below to appear each time then leave this unchecked. If you use notes on a per-transaction (or special situation only) bases, you probably want this option enabled.
      • Always make change in cash – enable this option if you want MicroBiz to force clerks to use "Cash" as the tender type for giving change.
      • Do not use signature pad… – this can be checked if you have a digital signature capture device but you wish to have your customers sign a paper copy instead (the signature pad can still be used as a PIN pad for debit transactions).
      • Default Payment Mode 1 – select either "Always Cash" or "Last Payment Mode" depending on what you want MicroBiz to default to next time.
      • # Copies – the number of receipts you want to print.
      • Notes – additional notes that can appear on the printed invoice.
      • Banner – additional information you would like on the printed invoice.