**Note that this only applies to MicroBiz systems integrated to a supported Credit Card processor or gateway.**
If you have already charged the customer's credit card and now you need to only reflect the sale in MicroBiz® then follow the steps below to update MicroBiz® without sending a payment to your Processor.
- From the MicroBiz® Work Screen make sure you have all the items loaded to the work screen and a customer if needed.
- Select F9 from the work screen to produce the payment window.
- From this window verify all amounts are correct and select OPTIONS.
- In this options window you should have the ability to uncheck the "Activate X-Charge Credit Authorization" allowing the sale to only affect MicroBiz®. ( This will affect this transaction only )
- Once you have your options set as desired select Close.
- This should take you back to the Payment window where you can click Done / Print. This will finalize your transaction and print your receipt.