Figure 3-1 shows the different areas that must be considered when "customizing" your MicroBiz system. Within each of the submenus, there are many switches to be turned on/off and they all depend on how you run your business.
Each submenu under Management, Customize is discussed in detail during the remainder of this chapter. Figure 3-1
Windows Settings
On each MicroBiz workstation, this window (Figure 3-2) allows you to specify the location of where files are stored and the Station ID (used for machines utilizing X-Charge credit card processing software). It is very important to make sure these settings are correct.
Station ID
This is only a display window, as changes to the Station ID are made in the Credit/Debit Card Settings window. Each station must have a unique Station ID.
System Files Path
This is the folder where data files are maintained. If the installation is for a single user (1 machine), the System Files Path default should be C:\Business. If the installation is for a multi-user setup (2 or more machines), the Server (main machine) default will be C:\Business, and each Workstation (client) will be whatever drive letter is mapped to the Server, i.e. M:\Business.Figure 3-2
Local Files Path
This is the folder where the MicroBiz program is installed and local settings/temporary files are kept. This folder is C:\BizWin by default on all machines, unless it has been changed following a normal installation.
It is advised that you use a dedicated server for three or more users.
Print Settings - "Invoice" Tab
This is the first of many MicroBiz setup screens that contains several "tabs" at the top of the screen. Each tab is there to separate settings of a certain type (Figure 3-3).
MicroBiz has numerous invoice formats that may be selected. Some are 40-column invoices (about 3" wide), and some are the traditional 80-column full page (8.5" x 11") or the 80-column half page (8.5" x 5.5").
Some invoices are used for laser printers and others for dot matrix printers. You can use different invoice formats on different workstations. When you set up these parameters, it is for the local workstation only.
Click on the Browse Invoice Type button to see other available invoice types. MicroBiz adds new invoice types each year.
- There are several forms that can be customized by the user, and there is a technical note on how to do this in the Help section (accessible by pressing the F1 key). Some computer programming experience is necessary.
- Pre-printed invoices may be purchased from NEBS Corporation. MicroBiz will print invoice information in the appropriate places on the NEBS forms. You can see a list of NEBS forms that are currently supported by MicroBiz by clicking on "Browse Invoice Type". NEBS forms can be ordered by calling NEBS at 800-388-3810. Be sure to mention mail code 95293 when ordering to ensure that you receive MicroBiz-compatible forms.
- Invoices may also be custom designed by MicroBiz for your business. Call us if you would like to discuss a custom designed invoice. For information on customization prices, please contact sales at 800-929-8324.
Figure 3-3
Print Invoice Numbers
Toggles the printing of invoice (receipt) numbers on the receipt. If you don't want the invoice numbers on the receipt, be sure to uncheck this option.
Print Heading
Allows your company name and address to be printed at the top of the invoice. Your company name and address can be entered by going to Management, Customize, Shop Name/Ship-To Data. This only applies to some invoice types.
Print Invoices
If you do not want to print an invoice every time you ring a sale, leave this box unchecked. You can still print an invoice by using the reprint feature at the Work Screen by typing RP into the SKU box (lower-left). Businesses that have lots of sales but only want to print invoices when customers ask for them should use this feature. RP will print the last completed invoice, even if you have already started another.
Always Print Invoices For Credit Card Purchases
If you do not want to print invoices for every sale, you may still want to print receipts for credit card purchases in order to capture the customer's signature. Checking this box will automatically enable the "Print Invoices" option, which you can turn off again.
Print Additional Credit Card Receipt
Turn this on if you would like an additional receipt copy for credit card transactions. This is useful if you will be retaining a signed copy of invoices for credit card transactions, but don't necessarily want extra copies for other tender types. Checking this box will automatically enable the two preceding options, which you can turn off again.
Always Print Invoices For Debit Card Purchases
Same idea as "Always Print Invoices for Credit…", but this setting is for debit card transactions (when the customer enters their 4-digit PIN).
Print Additional Debit Card Receipt
Same idea as "Print Add'l Credit…" but pertaining to debit card receipts.
Enter Invoice Number At F9
Most MicroBiz users do not use this feature. This will prompt you to enter an invoice number each time you ring a sale, as opposed to letting MicroBiz assign them in sequence. The system will not allow you to enter an invoice number that has already been used. If you enter any invoice numbers that contain non-numeric characters (e.g. letters, dashes, periods, etc.) you may lose some search and/or reporting features.
- Also keep in mind that the largest invoice number allowed by default is 999999. It is suggested to leave this feature OFF, because when the invoice number exceeds 999999 the system will go into a numeric overflow condition. When this occurs, the system will present numerous error conditions and will require MicroBiz intervention to correct the situation.
- If this happens, please contact MicroBiz support for assistance.
Suppress Zeros For Quantity And Price
This feature leaves the quantity and price blank if they are 0.00. This only applies to some invoice types.
Enter Shipping Information at F9
This will prompt you to enter extra data when you complete a sale from the Work Screen. If you are a mail order type business, you will probably want to use it. It will allow you to enter shipping costs and also track the advertising source ("How Heard") from each sale.
Keep Track Of Changes At F6
At the Work Screen, the F6 key will allow you to make changes to a line item, such as altering the quantity you are selling or the price you are selling it at. This feature will allow you to print a report, during your daily closeout, that will list what changes were made using the F6 edit feature, and the clerk who made these changes.
Print Kit Components On Invoice/Packing List
This will cause all components of a kit to print on the Work Screen and on the invoice whenever the kit is sold. Without this feature checked, only the description of the kit will print. Note that a custom kit automatically prints and includes kit's components.
Enter Miscellaneous Auto Information at F9
This feature is for users of the various Service modules (as opposed to the Standard Retail Module). With this option checked, you will be prompted to enter notes on any services rendered once you click F9 to finish the sale (Figure 3-4).
The information entered on the screen can be found by loading your customer to the Work Screen and clicking Edit/Add to get to the Other Data window.
Figure 3-4
For more information on configuring and using the Service Modules, see below for the Customize Transaction Settings: "Services" tab.
Print Payment Receipts
This will print a receipt when a customer makes a payment on their account. Note that this feature is available in Business Controller Plus versions only.
Invoice Copies To Print
This controls how many copies of the invoice will print each time you ring a sale by default (not including the additional copies of credit card receipts). You can also easily change this number at the time you complete a sale (F9, then Options).
Invoice Banner
This message will come up on the bottom of your invoice. If you are using a 40-column invoice, be aware that the message may "wrap-around" if it is over 40 characters. This may be used for advertising a web site, listing your return policy, or simply thanking your customers.
Closeout Printer Is
The two options here are "80-column" and "40-column." Choosing 80-column means you are using a full size printer (8.5" x 11" for example), and 40-column means you are using a small receipt printer. Note that if you select 40-column, you will not have the extended Close Out Reports options available to 80-column report printers.
Print Settings - "Layaway / IIP" Tab
Changes to these options are not actually made in this area. The following prompt will appear when clicking this tab: "Settings can now be made when saving/printing Layaways or IIP's at the Work Screen. At the Work Screen command prompt, type 'IIP' to save Work Screen items as an 'IIP' or type 'LA' to save items as Layaways or type 'QU' to save items as a Quote."
Print Settings - "Statement" Tab
This page allows you to select your statement form preference:
- The MicroBiz standard "Blank Sheet"
- The "Old Statement Form N"
- NEBS form #12342
- Statement Showing Checks
Print Options - "LabelWorks" Tab
These options will allow you to set up MicroBiz to integrate automatically with LabelWorks. LabelWorks is a third-party software package that allows you to create labels for your business. Once set up, MicroBiz will automatically start up LabelWorks whenever you want to print labels. For more information, see Chapter 14 - Labels.
Print Options - "NiceLabel" Tab
NicelLabel integration settings are configured here. For more information, see Chapter 14 - Labels.
Transaction Settings - "Transactions" Tab
This setup window contains many tabs, each with many settings that can change the behavior and layout of various MicroBiz features.
This section contains the options for tailoring the transaction process to your needs. Most of these options can be changed from this screen with keyboard shortcuts by holding Alt and pressing a key corresponding to the underlined character for each option (usually appearing before the option itself). The shortcut key is listed after each item in this section in parenthesis.
Figure 3-5
Save Customer Check Information (1)
If checked, the system will prompt you to enter information such as check information and forms of customer identification and will save this information for review. If you accept a lot of checks and get some that bounce regularly, you may wish to use this.
Ask For Clerk At Time Of Invoice (2)
Checking this box allows the clerk to enter his or her ID at the tender screen (F9). This is used to help track commissions.
Force New Clerk/Password After Each Sale (3)
Each time a sale is completed, the user will have to enter in a name and password before anything else can be done. This is a security feature to make certain that every employee is using their own initials when they ring a sale or make changes. If you have clerks sharing a workstation, you may want this.
Force New Clerk/Password After Each IIP, WIP Or Layaway (O)
You can extend the previous security feature to also apply to IIP/WIPs and Layaways by checking this box.
Ask For Quantity When Loading SKUs On Invoice (4)
As you sell items or services, the system can "prompt" you for the Quantity. When it prompts, the default will be a quantity of one. If you use a bar code reader and scan all of your saleable items, then you should uncheck this box. When scanning with a bar code reader, it will be time consuming to touch the keyboard in between each item.
Transaction Settings: "Transactions" Tab (continued)
Give Warning When Selling Quantity Not On Hand (5)
This is usually turned off. Mail order businesses who may not see the merchandise at the time they are selling it may want it on. If you have a retail counter and the customer brings the merchandise to the counter to be rung up, this feature is obviously not needed.
Display Price Levels On Explode (6)
From the F3 Product Lookup Screen, the Explode button will give you details about a product or service, including price levels A through E. If you do not want your clerks to see the different price levels, leave this unchecked. For more information, see Chapter 6 - Inventory.
Get Item Cost On Blank Line Sale (7)
If you sell a "one-time" item, do you want to enter the cost as you sell it? If you do not enter the cost, your profit margins will be too high! From the Work Screen, the F10 key allows you to create a blank line sale. It is suggested that you leave this feature enabled and enter a cost when adding F10 items. For more information, see Chapter 5 - The Daily Menu.
Show Matrix Quantities When Loading (items to the Work Screen) (8)
When you sell a matrix item, a point and select window appears that allows you to choose the particular item you are selling. If this is checked, the window will show you how many of each type you have in stock. For information about matrix items, see Chapter 5 - The Daily Menu.
Show Item Script When Loading (items to the Work Screen) (9)
If you have entered information in the "Item Script" area, this feature will automatically pop it up as the item is scanned. For example, if you were selling printer paper, you might want to put "Ask the customer if he needs ribbons!" in the Item Script, so as to remind the operator to look for the "add-on sale". Or, you might put additional information in the script, that operators can look at if the customer asks for more detailed information.
Require Customer For Credit Card Transactions (A)
If checked, this will force the operator to have a customer loaded to the Work Screen in order to ring a credit card sale.
Require Customer For Debit Card Transactions (B)
If checked, this will force the operator to have a customer loaded to the Work Screen in order to ring a debit card sale.
Hide Profit / Margin Data On Work Screen (0)
If checked, the profit/margin data will not be displayed on the Work Screen. If unchecked, when doing a receipt process, as each item is brought to the Work Screen the total invoice amount will display the profit that is being made on this particular sale.
Hide Profit Margin Data On Today's Sales (D)
If turned off, you can view Cost, Profit, and Margin by going to the DAILY menu, selecting "TODAY'S SALES", then "SALES FIGURES". If you want your employees to be able to see sales totals for the day, but not the profit or margin, then check this item.
Use Point & Select For Serial Number Entry (E)
If you are selling "serialized" items, you will need this feature. You may enter serial numbers as you receive the products from your vendor if this box is checked. For more information on serialized items, see Chapter 6 - Inventory.
Number Order (N) / Oldest First (O)
When you sell a serial item, a list of all serial numbers will appear. You may choose whether the serial numbers on the list appear in the order they were received, or in numeric order by entering "N" for numeric order or "O" for chronological order (oldest first).
Always Make Change In Cash (N)
This will make it impossible to give change in any tender other than cash.
Allow Adding New Serial Number At Time Of Sale (F)
When viewing the list of available serial numbers for a selected serial item at the Work Screen, you can add a serial number by clicking the Add button if this option is checked. If unchecked, the Add button will not be enabled from the Work Screen, but will still be available under Add/Edit Inventory.
Seconds To Pause When Opening Cash Drawer Before Clearing Change Display
When the cash drawer opens at the completion of a sale, the final sale screen, which displays the change due, will remain visible for the number of seconds entered here. Regardless of this setting, the display can always be cleared by pressing any key on the keyboard.
Minimum Markup Allowed For Discounts At Work Screen
If you give percent discounts at the Work Screen, either by typing 'D' for Discount or by using the F6 Edit function to enter a discount, you may want to use this feature. The feature will prevent you from losing money by alerting you when the discount you are trying to give would make your markup on this item lower than the markup that you indicate in this box.
Use Customizable Product Browse At F3 (G)
This feature allows you to determine what information appears in the Add/Edit Inventory window. This is a handy feature for many retailers who prefer different information to appear when they are editing their inventory records. Unchecking this box will remove the drop-down menu from the Product Lookup screen (accessible by clicking Inventory | Add/Edit Inventory).
Show Costs At F3 (Product Lookup) (H)
When this box is checked, the cost of each item will be shown in the product lookup screen. If this box is not checked, that field will not be shown. If your customers can see your Work Screen, leave this box unchecked. This, of course, is up to how you run your business.
<QTY> X <SKU> May Be Used At Work Screen (I)
If you unchecked "Ask for Quantity when Loading SKUs on Invoice?" you may want to use this feature. This will allow you to type a quantity, then type 'X', and then scan a bar code. You may also type in a quantity, then type x, and then enter a SKU. If you use this feature,
Transaction Settings: "Transactions" Tab (continued)
you can set a maximum number of digits in <QTY> X <SKU>. For example, if you enter '4', then the maximum quantity you could enter would be 9,999.
Check Vendor Inventory At Start Up (J)
This will allow you to set up the system to automatically e-mail selected vendors a purchase order based on your re-order levels. The system provides a function for ordering inventory under Inventory, Purchase Orders. For more information on Vendor Inventory, see Chapter 7 - Vendors.
Use Flexible Form When Editing Product (K)
This allows you to specify which fields are visible when you edit an inventory item, instead of using the standard inventory edit screen.
Enable Entry Of Clerk During Invoicing (L)
This will allow you to have multiple sales people earning commission on a single invoice. When you sell an item at the Work Screen, at the time that you are prompted for quantity, you will also be prompted for clerk initials. If using this option, make sure "Ask for Quantity when Loading SKUs on Invoice?" is also enabled.
Allow Edit Of Cost At F6 For Inventory Items (M)
Allows for editing inventory item cost while at the Work Screen. As a store proprietor you may want to leave this item unchecked as it may allow employees to change your cost factor, which will affect your profit margin.
In Work Screen, Show Buttons With Pictures (W)
Unchecking this option will remove the small images from the various buttons at the bottom of the Work Screen. This makes the buttons slightly smaller and doesn't give you any more space in the Work Screen, but is a preference of some users.
Transaction Settings - "Taxes" Tab
This section refers to various local/state sales taxes, VAT, GST, PST, etc. At the bottom of this screen there is a table where you can fill out any tax rates applicable.
Figure 3-6
Use Tax Table (Instead Of Percent) (1)
Some states and countries have a table that sets taxes from $0 to $1000 at one percentage, then switches to another percentage for another range. If you do not have such a tax system, leave this unchecked. If you do need to make use of this, check this box and fill out the table that appears to the right.
Tax By Area? (Class Field In Cust Record) (2)
Some states or countries have tax by counties or parishes. If you live in such an area and must comply with the reporting, you may want to use this feature. The customer's county is entered in the "Class" field in the customer record.
Calculate Tax By Line Item (3)
This method of calculating tax involves adding the tax to each item loaded individually, instead of just the subtotal. Using this method is usually much more accurate, so it is the only option available by default.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of MicroBiz and you had "Calculate Tax On Total" enabled, it will still be checked. However, if you enable "Calculate Tax By Line Item" you will not be able to switch back to "Tax On Total."
Calculate Tax On Total (Z)
This is the alternative to calculating taxes by each item individually. This option is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used.
Charge Tax2 On Tax1 (4)
Some counties or provinces have a tax that they charge on the total sale PLUS the sales tax. Normally you should leave this unchecked unless it is applicable to your tax laws.
By Default Items Are Taxable For Tax1 (5)
Leaving this option checked will let MicroBiz calculate the "Tax1" tax rate on all items by default. Uncheck this if you don't wish MicroBiz to add this automatically.
By Default Items Are Taxable For Tax2 (6)
Leaving this option checked will let MicroBiz calculate the "Tax2" tax rate on all items by default. Uncheck this if you don't wish MicroBiz to add this automatically.
Tax Rates Table
This table is used to configure the main part of your tax settings.
- Tax1 Noted as: enter the label (name) you would like to use for the Tax1 setting in the Label field. Enter the tax rate in the second field as a decimal (6.25% would be entered as 0.0625).
- Check the Service and/or Parts check box if you would like tax to be calculated for these fields (applies to this and the Tax2 settings).
- Tax2 Noted as: same as the Tax1 settings.
- You can enable Tax1 and/or Tax2 for each item in the Add/Edit Inventory menu.
- Department/Tax3: in the Label field, enter a Department Code to which you would like to charge an additional "tax." Enter the tax rate in the next field.
- To make use of this feature, make sure you have already set up a Department that you would like to use with this "tax."
- This can be done from the Stock tab when editing an item. For more information see Chapter 5 - The Daily Menu.
- Department/Tax4: the same settings as Tax3 apply here, but Tax4 is just another Department tax you can set up.
Transaction Settings - "Finance Charges" Tab
This setup screen is where you can enable or disable the use of finance charges (interest on customer accounts) and configure the various settings.
Figure 3-7
Days To Resolve A Layaway, Days To Resolve An IIP/WIP
Enter the appropriate number days defining each situation. Normally IIP/WIP, being works in progress, are resolved in a very few days. Setting this date will bring to the attention of management an item that is overdue for processing.
Minimum Deposit (Percent As Decimal) – For Layaways Only
This setting defines the percentage of the total that must be deposited at a minimum for Layaways. The figure is entered as a decimal, for example: 0.100 would mean a 10% minimum deposit.
Charge Finance Charges
Check this option if you will be charging finance charges. If not, leave it unchecked and don't worry about the next 3 settings.
If you will be using the Finance Charge feature in MicroBiz, make sure that you enable this option on one workstation only! Select the workstation that will be used for running Customer Statements, and make sure that the Charge Finance Charges option is not enabled on any other PC.
- If more than one workstation have this enabled, they might interfere with each other when calculating the Finance Charges.
Days Grace Period
Enter the number of days before MicroBiz will start calculating Finance Charges.
Day Of Month To Post
Enter the day of the month (date) in which you wish your customers to post payments.
Monthly Finance Charge
Enter your Finance Charge rate here as a decimal representing a percentage. For example: 0.050 would be 5%.
Print Balance Info On Statements
Unchecking this option will suppress printing the previous balance, new balance, etc. on customer statements.
Compound Interest
The system will charge interest upon interest. Check your state laws to see if this is permissible.
Print Invoices With Zero Balances On Statements
The feature provides you with the option of including invoices that have already been paid off when printing customer statements.
Transaction Settings - "Service" Tab
This tab would only be used if you have a service organization where you need to track the hours that someone spends on a job, you charge a shop fee and have an established labor rate for service. Under this tab, you may also establish a service interval, that is, for repeat service items such as yearly inspections.
Figure 3-8
Charge Shop Fee
When this box is checked, the program will automatically charge the shop fee that you designate in this section. Percentages must be entered in decimal form (for example, 7% would be entered as 0.07). Also, you can choose to charge Tax1 or Tax2 on the shop fee.
Note Child Record (Unit/Vehicle) As
"Unit" is the default title established in the MicroBiz system. If you would prefer a different term such as "Vehicle", then enter that term here.
Note Technician As
"Technician" is the default title established in the MicroBiz system. If you would prefer a different term such as "Tech", then enter that term here.
Track Actual Hours Spent On Job
Checking this box will cause the program to ask for the hours spent when a job is entered onto the Work Screen. This is only for record keeping and it will not affect the cost of a service. If you are charging an hourly rate for services, simply make the price the hourly rate and enter the hours in the quantity field.
Tracking Services With Due Dates
There are four services that you can track regularly in the program. Each time that you complete a sale, you will be prompted for next service due dates. You can run reports to see what services are due for a given date range, and can even print postcards based on these dates, with the customers' names and addresses.
- Name Of Service – You can enter the names of each of the four services here.
- Default Interval (Days) – This is the number of days that the Due Date Screen uses to determine the due date for next service.
- Associated SKU – You can select a SKU to associate with this service. If you do, then each time that you include that SKU on an invoice, the Due Date for this service will be updated. For example, if my service is "Bathe Pet", my default interval is "61", and my Associated SKU is "Bath," then every time that I ring a sale of "Bath", the next Due Date for "Bathe Pet" will automatically be two months (61 days) from now.
To see what services are currently due, go to Reports and then Service Due. By entering today's date, you can see any services that are currently due. Entering another date range will show services that were due within that time frame.
Transaction Settings - "Miscellaneous" Tab
This setup screen contains some additional transaction settings.
Figure 3-9
Point And Select Options
This pertains to the options available to the user when at the Work Screen and selecting their customers. Choosing the Name, Company or Phone would allow the customer list to be presented in that order when pressing F8 on the keyboard or clicking the F8 button with the mouse.
Automatically Prompt For Name, Company or Phone
Based on your selection of name, company or phone, placing a check mark here will cause that field will be highlighted for a search when the customer list is presented. Each workstation may be set up separately.
Display Price Level
If you like to see the price level of each customer at F8, set your authorized distributors to price level B. If you need to find a distributor in a particular area, this can be helpful. By placing a check mark here, each time a customer is pulled to the Work Screen, their established price level will be presented to the clerk.
Display Indicator For Purchase Level
See which are your best customers, set a purchase threshold under "Minimum Amount to Trigger Display." If the customer has purchased more than that, a $ will display next to the customer's price level, if you have selected to show their price level.
Use Customizable Browse
If checked, this allows the user to select the fields available when viewing customer information.
Show Add/Remove Column Buttons
If you have checked off "Use Customizable Browse?" then this is a nice feature to enable as well. It allows the user to add or remove fields from the viewing screen when viewing customer information.
Minimum Amount To Trigger Display
This is the purchase threshold mentioned in the above for "Display Indicator…" and should be filled out if that option is enabled.
Allow Permanent Price Changes At F6
At the Work Screen, you can change a price with the F6 key (which can be password protected). If you would like the option of making the price change permanent, then check this box. For single owner/operators or family owned businesses, this can be handy to use. Also, when setting up your store, you might set this feature on.
Allow Permanent Description Changes At F6
This functions the same as the permanent price change above but applies to the description field of an inventory item.
Allow Cost Times Percent Change At F6
Allows you to do permanent changes by multiplying cost times percentage.
Calculate Two- and Three-fers Automatically
If you want these to calculate automatically, check this box. If you want only your clerks to apply a special price, leave it unchecked.
Note Alternate Payment Type As
This allows you to add a method of payment to the final transaction screen. Whatever you enter here will be an option at the F9 screen when you finalize a sale. You may use this for coupons, gift certificates, employee vouchers, etc.
Note Debit Card Name As
This allows you to change the display name of the "Debit Card" payment type. This payment type will integrate with X-Charge for debit card transactions if enabled under Management, Customize, Credit/Debit Card Settings. If you are not using this feature, then you can rename this payment type to anything you want, which gives you a total of two customizable payment types.
Warn When Selling On Hand < Sale Quantity
Enabling this feature will make MicroBiz alert you when you are attempting to sell more of an item then you have in your current inventory. Leave this setting off if you are not tracking inventory with MicroBiz.
Allow Sale When Quantity = 0
Some business owners don't want the clerk to be able to sell an item if the on-hand inventory quantity equals zero. Having this checked will bring to the attention of the clerk that the physical inventory of the item is different than the MicroBiz database. This alerts management to discrepancies.
Allow Sale Of Committed Quantity
If you have committed items, meaning items that are already in an IIP/WIP and someone walks to the counter with the item in hand for purchase, checking this box will flag management that their inventory has not been set aside for committed items. If you process large amounts of IIPs or WIPs you should place a check mark in this box. Note that this setting can only be changed if "Warn when selling on hand…" is also enabled.
Recalculate Prices Based On Customer
If you use different price levels (price B, price C, etc.) for customers, you must check this feature. If this is not checked then all customers will be charged at price level A, regardless of what price level has been established for various customers.
Apply Discount To All Customer Levels
If a customer already has preferred pricing (that is, they are price level B, C, D or E), and a discount is given at the Work Screen, do you want that discount to be applied in addition to their preferred pricing? If you leave this unchecked, then the system will apply either the discount that you selected off of price level A, or their regular preferred pricing (whichever is better, but not both).
Do Not Recalculate Manually Entered Prices
If checked, will not re-calculate inventory item prices based on discount and/or customer level pricing.
Should Discount Be Applied To Suggested List Price Or Customer Level Price (S / D)
Do you want a discount that you give to a customer at the Work Screen to be off the suggested list price for the item, or off of the customer's price level (price levels A, B, etc.)?
- If you want it to apply to the suggested list price set for the item(s), enter the letter S.
- If you want the discount to apply to the customer's price level, enter the letter D.
- If you enter D, ensure that "Recalculate Prices Based On Customer" is also checked, and always remember to load the customer after the items and discount to correctly calculate the discount.
To ensure that discounts are calculated correctly, it is important to load things to the Work Screen in a certain order.
- If using the "S" option, make sure that you load the items to the Work Screen before you load the customer. When applying a discount at the Work Screen by typing "D" into the SKU box, make sure that "Add discount on top of current discount" is not checked.
- If using the "D" option, make sure that "Recalculate prices based on customer" is checked. When at the Work Screen, make sure that you load the customer before you load the items. Again, when applying a discount at the Work Screen by typing "D", make sure that "Add discount on top…" is not checked.
If a customer has a discount level set (under the Account tab in the Edit a Customer window) then this discount percentage will only apply when "D" is set here.
Allow Reset Of Invoice Number
If you want to reset your invoice number - do so, but be careful. The MicroBiz system automatically assigns sequential invoice numbers. This box should never be checked unless you have a positive control over your invoice assignment processes. You may seriously damage your system if you try to apply your own invoice numbers without proper control.
Some business owners like to increase their invoice number each month, so their clients will think they are much busier. The maximum invoice number in MicroBiz is 999,999.
If you reset the invoice number to a number close to one million, you may run out of invoice numbers. If you fear this is about to happen, please contact MicroBiz Technical Support for assistance with expanding your invoice number capacity.
Show Customer Balance On Work Screen
Check this box if you would like a customer's balance due amount to be reflected on the Work Screen each time a customer is loaded.
Check Credit Limit During Invoicing
As each item is entered on the Work Screen, the system will see if that item PLUS the other items on the Work Screen PLUS the balance due is greater than the customer's credit limit. The system has a feature that allows checking of an established credit limit for each customer.
Note Clerk As
"Clerk" is the default title established in the MicroBiz system. If you would prefer a different term such as "Tech", then enter that term here.
Recalculate Customer Balance Due at F8
Checking this option will cause MicroBiz to update the customer's balance information every time a customer is loaded. This helps keep the balance due information accurate.
Pop-Up Items When Work Screen Grid Is Clicked
If this option is turned on you can open the Product Lookup window (normally accessed by clicking or pressing F3) by simply clicking on the main "grid" portion of the Work Screen.
Show/Report Discounts from Suggested Price
With this checked, the Suggested List Price will be displayed along with the Price (Level A) and the % discount between the two. Uncheck this option if you would only like the Work Screen to display the price that will actually be charged.
- Enable this option if you are using an invoice type that displays discount information on the receipt (that is, if you want it to display this information).
Only use this option when "Should discount be applied..." is set to "D."
Allow modifications of IIP Entry Clerk
Enabled by default, this option can be disabled to disallow users from editing the Clerk ID while creating IIPs.
Clear customer after each payment posting
If unchecked, MicroBiz will no longer close the Post window after posting a payment.
Transaction Settings - "Security" Tab
This setup screen contains the Command Window, as well as some general security settings.
Figure 3-10
Validate Clerk's Initials
The program always asks for initials when entering the Work Screen. If this box is checked, the program will check the entered initials against the employee list. If the initials are not in the employee list then you will not be able to access the Work Screen.
Carry Security Level Through After Initial Signon (2)
If this box is checked, the program will ask you for a user name and password as soon as you enter the program. It will then let you into password protected areas without putting up a password screen, if you have a high enough security level to get into those areas. If the security level of a function is a smaller number than the user's security level, the program will ask for a password, even if "Carry Security Level Through" is checked.
Always Require Customer At F9 Invoice (5)
Check this option if you want all MicroBiz users to be forced to load a customer before ringing anything up. With this option unchecked, you can still load a customer to the Work Screen, but it will not be required in most cases.
Require Customer For Credit Card Transactions (A)
If you are not requiring your MicroBiz users to load a customer before each sale, but you would like to track customers who use credit cards, then make sure this option is turned on. This will make it easier to get in touch with a credit card customer, should anything go wrong.
Require Customer For Debit Card Transactions (B)
With this option enabled, MicroBiz will require a customer loaded to the Work Screen before the Debit Card tender option is available. As with the Credit Card option above, this is useful if you are not requiring a customer to be loaded for all transactions by default.
Split Add/Edit Security To Add And Edit (6)
Checking this box will create a Security Level setting for the ability to edit products.
Command Window
Brings you to the Visual FoxPro Command Window (Figure 3-11). In this window, you can perform various FoxPro commands and view the databases used in the program. This option will only prove useful to those knowledgeable in the workings of Visual FoxPro. Making changes to the structure of MicroBiz database formats can render your system inoperable.
The command window should always be used with caution! It can be a very powerful tool for good OR ill, depending on how it is used. Make sure to back up your data before making any serious changes to your data from here!
Figure 3-11
In addition, since changes to the databases can be made from this window, it is highly recommended that this option be password protected with a high level of security. You can browse the fields in a DBF table by going to the Command Window and typing:
You can also modify certain invoices and reports from the Command Window. It is strongly recommended that you make a backup before using the Command Window, as a single keystroke can alter your data.
Transaction Settings - "Pricing" Tab
Profit margins, price schemes and some other settings regarding how MicroBiz handles your prices are all set up here.
Figure 3-12
Automatically Set Prices To Match Margins
When this box is checked, the program will automatically calculate the prices for different levels based on the cost of the product and on the margin that you set in the table found in this area. Please note that this may require several tests upon the part of the user to establish the appropriate price increase based on margins desired.
Recalculate Price From Margin On Receive
Uncheck this option if you want to establish your prices based on the margins based on the original data entered. With this option enabled, MicroBiz will recalculate the prices based on updated cost info upon receiving more of an item.
When Loading IIPs, Update Prices Based On Current Product Prices
When Loading Quotes, Update Prices Based On Current Product Prices
When loading IIPs or Quotes, update prices based on current product prices. If you keep Quotes or IIP's in your system for any length of time, your product prices may change. This feature will automatically check the prices of the items of a Quote or IIP and update them if they have changed. You can set a grace period for this feature, so that a customer has 30 days, 90 days, etc. to buy at the quoted price regardless of price changes.
When Loading IIPs, Update Cost Based On Current Product Cost
Same idea as above, but this applies to the item's cost. This is a good feature to use in conjunction with the previous one, as it will help keep your profit margins accurate.
Enable Price Schemes Mix & Match
Items with both promo and price schemes assigned to them can cause the total to calculate incorrectly when loaded to the Work Screen with other items that are also assigned to the same price schemes. If you notice this is a problem, enabling this option should fix this for you.
Enable SKU Consolidation
With this option enabled, multiple quantities of an item will only take up one line on the Work Screen (and therefore, if edited, will all share the same properties). If you would like every item to appear as a separate line (and be able to edit each item individually), regardless of how many items are loaded, then you should disable this feature.
Transaction Settings - "International" Tab
Figure 3-13
ZIP/Postal Code Format
The default setting after initially installing for ZIP code format is "other". Here you can set your ZIP code format and expand the database field from 5 characters to as many characters as needed.
Credit Card Setting
Change your credit card settings based on where you do business.
Enable Multi-Currency
This allows you to elect a primary currency and a secondary currency as payment tender. This would be applicable if, for instance, a company in Argentina has it's primary currency (Pesos) set as the number one choice and also accepted U.S. Dollars as it's secondary tender. The system would automatically use a conversion table to allow use of both types of tender. The conversion table can be configured by clicking the Currencies button on this screen.
To set up the Multi-Currency capability, place a check mark in the "Enable Multi-Currency" box. This opens the process to set up your desired Multi-Currency formula. Using our example of Argentina, select the Argentine Pesos as the "Home Currency" by clicking on the number "1" button and selecting Argentina. The "Home Currency" option specifies the MicroBiz default currency. Changing this setting will effect how all prices, costs, etc. will be displayed in your system.
If a currency other than the U.S. Dollar is set as the Home Currency, all inventory items must be priced (cost and retail) as this tender type.
Select the "Default Tender 1" currency as the first accepted form of payment. This should almost always be the same setting as the Home Currency. At the present time the system will only handle two forms of tender for payment purposes.
If you need to change to a different tender for payment at the end of a sale, press the space bar on the keyboard to bring forth the screen for changing to the "Default Tender 1" tender type.
If Multi-Currency is being used within the system, at the time of closing the sale (receipt), both types of tender may be accepted for payment. A partial payment may be made in the Default Tender 1 Currency and the balance in the Default Tender 2. Currency conversion is automatic and the conversion rate is displayed on the receipt process window.
Transaction Settings - "Module" Tab
This setup window contains the various settings used to manage the "Gas Module." Only change these settings if you are using a Service module and use MicroBiz to sell gas. To sell gas from the Work Screen, type G in the SKU box.
Print Gas Invoice (1)
If you disable this feature then you won't be able to print invoices for gas transactions, unless you enable Enter Gas on Work Orders as well.
Print Headings On Gas Invoice (2)
Leave this on if you want your company information to appear as a "header" on the gas invoice.
Number Of Lines To Feed After Gas Invoice
You can change this figure if you desire more or less space on your gas receipt.
Figure 3-14a
Do Gas Closeout After Regular Closeout (4)
By default, your gas sales will be included with everything else when you process your Closeout. If you check this box then your gas sales will be separate, and you will do a separate Closeout once your regular Closeout is complete.
Enter Price & Quantity When Selling Gas (5)
If left unchecked, you will simply enter the total price for the gas sale. If you would like to enter a gas price and gallons purchased (so MicroBiz will calculate the total for you), then enable this option.
Enter Gallons On Gas Receipts (6)
Similar to the above feature.
Enter Gas On Work Orders (7)
Check this box if you would like the option to load gas sales to your regular Work Screen. Beware that gas sales on the Work Screen may accidentally be charged tax!
Transaction Settings - "Random Weights" Tab
Figure 3-14b
The Random Weights feature enables use and setup of composite barcodes, which can be used in conjunction with scales that print barcode labels with specific SKU and price/weight information.
Enable Random Weight UPC (12 digits)
The checkbox here allows you to toggle this feature on/off. The 12-digit composite UPC can be used with barcode labels that have already calculated the price, using the following syntax and steps:
- Create a default 12 digit SKU in MicroBiz. The price entered on this SKU should be the price per unit (for example $2.00 if $2.00 per pound):
- Syntax: p#####00000, Example: 20000100000.
- In the example above, 2= check digit, 00001 = PLU code, 00000 = (syntax which must be added to work).
- You will need a scale which will calculate the price based on weight measurement. Here is an example of what the barcode format which the scale will print out:
- Syntax: p#####s$$$$c, Example: 200001807541
- In the example above, 2= Prefix, 00001= PLU Code, 8= Secondary Check Digit, 0754 = Price ($7.54 in this example), 1= Check Digit.
- Keying or scanning this barcode will pull up the SKU as entered in MicroBiz (20000100000) with the assigned price as printed out by the barcode provided by the scale ($7.54 in the example). MicroBiz will calculate the weight (QTY) based on the SKU and extended price (3.77 pounds using our example above).
Enable Random Weight EAN (13 digits)
This checkbox toggles the EAN composite barcodes on/off. The 13-digit composite EAN can be used with barcode labels that have already calculated the price or weight, using the following syntax and steps:
Barcode if printed by Price:
- Create a default 13 digit SKU in MicroBiz. The price entered on this SKU should be the price per unit (for example $2.00 if $2.00 per pound):
- Syntax: pp######$$$$$c, Example: 020000200000
- In the example aboce, 02= Prefix, 000002 = PLU Code, 00000 = (syntax which must be added to work).
- You will need a scale which will calculate the price based on weight measurement. Here is an example of what the barcode format which the scale will print out:
- Syntax: pp#####$$$$$c, Example: 0200002023451
- In the example above, 02 = Prefix, 000002 = PLU Code, 02345 = Price ($23.45 in this example), 1 = Check Digit.
- Keying or scanning this barcode will pull up the SKU as entered in MicroBiz (020000200000) with the assigned price as printed out by the barcode provided by the scale ($23.45 in the example).
Barcode if printed by Weight:
- Create a default 12 digit SKU in MicroBiz. The price entered on this SKU should be the price per unit (for example $2.00 if $2.00 per pound). The price entered here is important because MicroBiz will calculate the price based on the unit measurement calculated and printed on the barcode by the scale:
- Syntax: pp#####00000, Example: 210000300000
- In the example above, 21= Prefix, 00003 = PLU Code, 00000 = (syntax which must be added to work).
- You will need a scale which will calculate the weight. Here is an example of what the barcode format, which the scale will print out:
- Syntax: pp#####wwwwwc, Example: 2100003002341
- In the example above, 21= Prefix, 00003 = PLU Code, 00234 = Unit Measurement (2.34 units in the example), 1 = Check Digit.
- Keying or scanning this barcode will pull up the SKU as entered in MicroBiz (210000300000) with the assigned units as provided by the scale barcode (2.34 units in the example). MicroBiz will calculate the price by multiplying the amount of units by the price entered for the product in "Add/Edit Inventory."
Hardware Settings - "Cash Drawer" Tab
This window contains multiple tabs, each for a specific device type, that allows you to manually configure most of the hardware specific to use with MicroBiz.
If you have already set up your hardware using the Setup Wizard, you may skip this section.
Figure 3-16
Activate Cash Drawer (A)
Do NOT check this box unless you actually have a cash drawer attached. Otherwise, after you ring an invoice, the system will produce an error message! This is caused by the system attempting to use a function that is not available.
Allow C To Open Cash Drawer From Work Screen (W)
Check this box if you want to be able to use the letter C and <enter> to open the cash drawer from the Work Screen. This function can be password protected under the security settings of the system.
Open Cash Drawer For Checks (K)
Enable this option if you want the cash drawer to open when accepting checks.
Open Cash Drawer For Credit Card Receipts (T)
Enable this option if you want the cash drawer to open when accepting credit cards.
Open Cash Drawer For Debit Card Receipts (D)
Enable this option if you want the cash drawer to open when accepting debit cards.
Do Not Open For $0.00
If this option is checked, the cash drawer will not open if a transaction is processed with a total of $0.00.
Intelligent Type
Check this if your cash drawer connects to a parallel port or to a printer that connects to a parallel port. Once checked, the "Non-Intelligent" configuration area will be replaced with one corresponding to the "Intelligent" type cash drawers. The default settings here are usually fine. If your receipt printer is on a parallel port other than LPT1, you should change the setting here. For changing other settings, please contact MicroBiz Technical Support. Press the "Test Open Cash Drawer" button to see if your settings are working.
Non-Intelligent Drawers
These are your typical RS232 (serial) type cash drawers. They connect directly to the serial port and do not have pass-through capability. Do not "check" the intelligent cash drawer box if you use one of these. Fill in the parameters as shown below. After you fill in the boxes, click on the "Open drawer" button to see if it works. The reason that we have the Pulse and Width variables is that different manufacturers use parts of a different sensitivity requiring some drawers to open with longer and wider signals than others.
If your drawer opens when the computer system is turned off and you would prefer not to have that happen, there are cash drawers that have a special option available to prevent it. Please contact MicroBiz sales department for more detailed information.
Pass-Through capability
Some drawers have a panel on the back to which you can connect a variety of serial or parallel devices. These drawers are configurable so that they only open for a very special type of signal. You might want one of these drawers if you have lots of devices you are trying to attach to the back of the computer (such as pole displays or other serial devices). Please contact MicroBiz sales department for additional information or to purchase this type of cash drawer.
Hardware Settings - "Pole Display" Tab
Figure 3-17
Activate Pole Display (A)
Do NOT check the "Activate Pole Display" box unless you are using one with MicroBiz.
Serial Port
Enter the COM port (1-4) that is in use by your pole display.
Use MicroBiz Default/Windows Communications Settings
The default setting for this is usually fine. Only change this setting if instructed to do so by a MicroBiz Support Technician.
Display Serial Communications Error Messages (D)
This option is used for troubleshooting and should be left off for normal use.
Pole Message #1/2
Place any message in this text box that you desire for your customers to see when they are at the counter. You might want to use this for promotions, sales, etc.
Display SKU And/Or Description
You can choose whether you want the pole display to show item descriptions only, or descriptions along with the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
Character Prefix
Certain pole displays need this filled in. The Logic Controls pass-through model requires a prefix, so the unit can differentiate between what it is supposed to display and what not. See the manufacturer's manual for details.
Test Pole Display
Click this button to see if your message appears on the pole display (for testing purposes).
Hardware Settings - "Printers" Tab
For printers to work correctly in the MicroBiz system, they must first have their drivers specified from the Windows operating system. This is done by going to the "Printers" or "Printer and Faxes" setup screen in Windows, which is found in the Control Panel (among other places). Press the "Add Printers" button and follow the Windows instructions for installing your various printers available to this machine. This section will describe what can be done on this setup page and then run through an example of setting up a printer.
Figure 3-18
Setting Up Each Printer Type
The first column of this page names each type of printer that can be used by MicroBiz. The text box directly to the right of that displays the local printer name that is currently set for each printer type. To the right of this is the Browse button, which allows you to set the printer. Finally, some printer types allow you to set an invoice type, which is what the buttons to the right of Browse are for.
Always Prompt For Printer (P)
Check this box if you would like MicroBiz to ask which printer to use for receipts. This is useful if you switch between multiple invoice printers often.
Enable Two Printer Two Invoice Types (E)
You can setup two different receipt (invoice) printers on this page, and turning the two invoice type option on will give you the ability to select a different invoice type for each. If left off, you can still set two receipt printers and keep the same invoice type for both. If you enable this feature, you can switch between the two printer/invoice settings at the F9 Tender screen.
Browse Printer Control Code Setups (B)
Click this button to see a list of all control codes available to MicroBiz, and which local printer names are currently using them.
Synchronize All Printers (A)
If you will be selecting the same printer more than once on this screen, you can save time with this feature. Simply setup one of the printer types with the desired printer and control codes, then click the Synchronize All Printers Button to set every printer type to the same. Once this is done you can still make any changes desired to these settings.
Printer Setup Example
For this example, we will select our printer for Printer Name/Invoice/Receipt #1.
- On the Customize Hardware Settings, Printers Tab, click the Browse button to the right of Printer Name/Invoice/Rcpt#1.
- Select the desired printer from the drop-down menu, then click OK. I will be selecting my Epson TMU220 for this example.
- Here comes the Printer Control Code Setup window. To set the correct control code, click the Browse Printer Models button in the lower-left.
- I will select Epson Generic for my printer, although the correct control code for your printer may be different. See below for more information on choosing the right control code. If you know the control code you want to use, click on it in the list, then click Load.
- Click OK/Save to set these control codes, then click the large Default Invoice Type (it won't say this on the button, but above it) button to select your invoice type. (This is the long button to the right of "Browse.")
- The Select Invoice Type window will display the currently selected invoice type. Click Browse Invoice Type, then select the invoice type desired. For my example I will choose 9) Standard 40-column (because I have a 40-column receipt printer). See Chapter 16 - Other Modules for details on the various invoice types available.
- Once you click on the invoice type desired, you can click OK to set it, then Save to finish setting up this printer type.
Control Codes
A control code setup is loaded for various printer types to tell MicroBiz how to communicate with that printer. Choosing the right control code setup is key to making sure your printer works correctly with MicroBiz.
In general, you would want to pick the control code setup that sounds the most like your printer. This can be very straightforward, but not always. The following is a table for some of the less obvious ones:
Control Code Setup | Printers that use this |
Epson Generic | 40-column Epson receipt printers |
Generic Laser Printer | Laser report printers |
HP Deskjet Plus | Used for most report printers |
Standard IBM Emulation | Should work for almost all barcode label printers. Sometimes works for other printer types when no other control code setup applies. |
Star 8340 | Star TSP 300 and Star TSP 700/743 receipt printers |
A complete listing of all the printers that are supported by MicroBiz is available on our web site,
Hardware Settings - "Coin Changer (Telequip)" Tab
The MicroBiz Business Controller can integrate with the Telequip Change Machine. This implementation was designed and tested on Telequip Coin Changer equipment from Telequip Corporation using their propriety serial interface controls.
Figure 3-19
To set up the Telequip Coin Changer in MicroBiz, follow these steps:
- Attach the coin changer to COM 1 (recommended) on your computer.
- Under Management, Customize, Hardware Settings.
- Click on the Telequip Coin Changer tab
- Click on "Activate Coin Changer"
- Set the coin changer 's configuration to serial port 1, baud, parity, stop bit and data bits. As of this writing, the following specs are pre-set by Telequip:
- Parity: Even
- Stop Bits: 1
- Data Bits: 7
- The only other settings needed would be the port (1) and the baud (9600) for the Telequip Coin Changer.
- To test the coin changer, enter the "change due" and then click "Test Coin Changer."
Troubleshooting the Telequip Coin Changer
If you get an "OLE" or "ActiveX Control" error message while trying to use the coin changer, you will need to register the Coin Dispenser Control. To do this, run the following command:
- Copy the file COIN.OCX (from the DLLs folder on your MicroBiz installation CD, or in the DLLs folder in your MBZInstaller directory) to C:\Windows\System32
- Go to the command prompt or "Run" window and type:
- REGSVR32 C:\Windows\System32\Coin.OCX
If you did not copy the Coin Control to the Windows System directory, substitute the correct directory name into the above statement.
Hardware Settings - "Magnetic Swipe Devices" Tab
Figure 3-20
If you are using a Magnetic Card Reader that is HID-compliant (such as the MagTek 21040102), then the protected swipe data feature can be enabled with the option found here.
Shop Name/Ship-to Data
Figure 3-21
This is the area where your company information is gathered for printing on reports and receipts. If you have selected an invoice under the customized setting that would print your company's information, this area should be filled out.
Copy Bill-To Data (B)
Click this button to copy the information from the Company Bill-To Data to the Default Ship-To Data On Purchase Orders.
Digits After Decimal On Purchase Orders
Here you will find separate settings for Cost and Quantity. The setting made here will affect the various Purchase Order screens. You can, for example, set Quantity to 0 to disable partial orders of certain items (as you probably cannot order half of some items from a vendor).
Credit/Debit Card Settings
This setup window will allow you to configure your X-Charge integrated credit/debit/gift card processing, as well as your MicroBiz Station ID. There are a few options that aren't covered here, which should only be changed with the aid of a MicroBiz Support Technician. MicroBiz offers free phone support (no support contract needed) for credit card related technical issues for X-Charge users.
MicroBiz version 15 integrates with X-Charge using the "ExpressLink" method. This is a more secure method of processing credit/debit cards that requires X-Charge version 7.1.6 and above in order to function correctly.
Figure 3-22
Credit Card Equivalent Settings
By default, this option will be set to US. Canadian users can choose "Canada/Int'l" to enable support of the Verifone SC5000 PIN pad device.
Canadian Debit processing requires a specific account created through X-Charge and the use of the VeriFone SC 5000 PIN pad.
X-Charge ExpressLink User ID/Password
By default, the User ID/Password is set to POS/MBZX. These settings are available to match those in the X-Charge Security setup so you are not prompted to enter the user/password each time a credit or debit card transaction is processed from MicroBiz. If X-Charge is configured to use a different user/password (or none at all), these settings can be changed as needed.
Activate X-Charge Credit Authorization
Enable this option to turn X-Charge integration on. With this option unchecked, MicroBiz will still allow you to accept credit card sales, but they must be processed outside of MicroBiz (using a standalone terminal, for example) as well.
Activate Gift Card Authorization
Enable this option to integrate X-Charge gift card processing with MicroBiz. The "Gift Card Transactions Path" to the X-Charge transaction folder must be entered below to complete integration with X-Charge.
Activate Debit Card Authorization
Enable this option to integrate debit card processing (ATM, where the customer enters their PIN code) with X-Charge. The "Debit Card Device" (large button in the lower-right) must be configured for debit card transactions.
Autoprocess X-Charge/ExpressLink
With this option enabled, the credit/debit card transaction will automatically transmit once the card has been swiped. If this option is not enabled, the "F12 Process" button (on the X-Charge window) must be pressed before the credit/debit card transaction is processed.
Seconds to wait before calling ExpressLink
This determines the delay before the X-Charge window is opened to process the credit/debit card. The default value is 2 and should only be changed if suggested by a support technician.
Station ID
Click the Browse Station IDs button to get a list of currently connected MicroBiz workstations. You can manually enter a unique numerical Station ID using up to 5 digits here.
Gift Card Transactions Path
This is only needed when integrating gift cards with X-Charge. Enter the path to the X-Charge transaction folder here.
Debit Card Device
The currently enabled PIN pad device will be displayed on the large button here. You can click this button to select and/or configure your PIN pad device to be used with X-Charge debit card processing.
Global Settings - "Miscellaneous" Tab
This is another MicroBiz setup window with various tabs, separating different setup categories.
Figure 3-23
The "Miscellaneous" tab will allow you to set several other preferences for your MicroBiz software.
Closeout Type
A centralized closeout closes out all registers and reports the combined totals. This is much easier than individualized closeout but it is less secure. Using individualized closeouts allows you to pinpoint any inaccuracies in the cash drawer totals for each station individually.
If you set this to Individual Workstations, you must remember to do the closeout on each PC one at a time! If a closeout is done on more than one workstation at once, you risk over-writing (and losing) data. You have been warned!
Rounding Method
Several methods of rounding options are available.
- Banker's Rounding
- When you add rounded values together, always rounding .5 in the same direction results in a bias that grows with the more numbers you add together. One way to minimize the bias is with Banker's rounding. Banker's rounding rounds .5 up sometimes and down sometimes. The convention is to round to the nearest even number, so that both 1.5 and 2.5 round to 2, and 3.5 and 4.5 both round to 4.
- Arithmetic
- When rounding always down or up, the resulting number is not necessarily the closest to the original number. For example, if you round 1.9 down to 1, the difference is a lot larger than if you round it up to 2. it is easy to see that numbers from 1.6 to 2.4 should be rounded to 2. However, 1.5, which is equidistant between 1 and 2, by convention, the half-way number is always rounded up.
- Round Up
- The simplest form of rounding is truncation. Any extra digits are simply ignored.
- Round Down
- Always rounds fraction values up (more positive) to the next value.
Global Settings - "Flex Decimal" Tab
The Flex Decimal enables you to have more than two decimal positions for the COST and the PRICE of all inventory Items.
This feature is especially important to those retailers whose inventory is priced at the thousandth of a cent, etc. An example would be for hardware retailers dealing with nuts and bolts that have wholesale values of $0.0450 cents and retail values of $0.0643 cents. In this example, the wholesaler would round up to $0.05 cents and when selling the item at retail, a value of $0.06 cents. Using the Flex Decimal capability requires rounding as times. This is quite obvious, as a customer cannot be charged a half-cent when paying for an item.
Another example would be any gas station utilizing the MicroBiz Controller Series for gas sales. Gas sales always, it seems, have .9 cents tacked onto the end. The total sale is, of course, rounded up.
When the Flex-Decimal System is used, certain reports in the system have been modified to reflect the selected number of decimals. However, any reports concerning sales (i.e. receipt processing) must be rounded. Receipts will reflect the actual decimal amounts, but the totals, for payment, will round to two decimal places. Other modified reports will show actual decimal amounts in the detail, but the final total amounts will reflect whole cents as they have been rounded up or down, as the case may be. Figure 3-24
To implement Flex-Decimal into your Controller Series:
- Go to the Main Menu screen, then Customize, Global Settings and select the Flex Decimal tab. Be aware that this feature requires a Level 0 Security clearance to initiate, by default. With this in mind, make sure that you have set up your "Login" and Password" for a Level 0. This will allow you to go anywhere in the Controller Series and make any required settings or modifications.
- Place a Check Mark where it says Enable Flex Decimal. The window will change. Using the up or down arrows, adjust the number of decimal positions desired. The number shown there will keep adjusting to reflect the current selection. It is strongly suggested that if you elect to change the Cost setting that you change the Price setting accordingly.
- After you have selected the number of decimal positions that are desired, click on the APPLY button. A new window, Convert Files Now, will appear. This window will show the number of decimal places that you have elected for your system and also ask if you are ready to convert files now. If you click on No, the system returns you to the previous window to modify your selection. If you click on Yes the system will bring up an additional window, asking if you are ready to Reindex all files, apply the Flex Decimal File Conversion and Clean and Pack Files. If you select No, you are returned to the previous screen. If you select Yes, you are advised that no other machine should be in the MicroBiz System. It gives you this last opportunity to check the system status and make sure that everything is ready for the actual file conversion to begin.
- If you elected to continue with the Flex-Decimal conversion, the system will go into a Clean and Pack of the necessary files that require modification for Flex-Decimal operation.
- When the Clean and Pack is complete a new window, Flex Decimal File Conversion, will appear.
- This is the last opportunity to NOT convert to the Flex Decimal system. If you click No at this point, you are returned to the Global Settings window. Selecting Yes will make the system go into the actual required file conversion of expanding the decimal position to what you have selected and once again re-index those converted files.
- If you have gone through the Flex-Decimal conversion of the files, and decide that you want to modify the files again, repeat the entire process above.
Global Settings - "File Backups" Tab
Figure 3-25
This setup screen is where you can configure the MicroBiz backup utility. This is a great feature that should at least be considered by every user. A MicroBiz backup will store a copy of all of your "System Files" in a location you specify, should you ever need to restore them. Your system files are basically everything important, like your inventory, customer data, sales history, etc. The most important part of your computer is your data, and for MicroBiz users, this means your MicroBiz data. Using MicroBiz backups could save your business!
The backup utility will create two folders in your selected backup folder (your Business folder by default). One folder is called TEMPBAK, which will contain the most recent backup in an uncompressed form. The other folder is called ZIPBACK, and this one has the last thirty backups, BIZBAK01-BIZBAK30, the most recent being BIZBAK01.
Backup System (Common) Files
- Never do any Backup (1): Turn off MicroBiz backups. Use this options if you are backing up your MicroBiz data with another utility (you are doing backups, aren't you).
- Ask me each time after every Closeout (2): This will not force backups, but you will be asked if you would like to do a backup following each Closeout. This is OK if you do Closeouts frequently but don't want to backup every day.
- Automatically after every Closeout (3): Backups will be done after every Closeout. If that is every day for you, then you know you'll have a fairly fresh backup each day!
- Ask me each time before every Closeout (4): Just like option #2, but for those that prefer to backup before the Closeout is done. This would give you a chance to redo your Closeout, should anything go wrong (but you have to wait for the backup to finish first).
- Automatically before every Closeout(5): Just like option #3, but these would occur before your Closeout instead of after.
- This option should be selected by default on a fresh installation of MicroBiz.
Backup Directory
This is the place where backups will be stored. The default is your Business folder, but you can change this to whatever you like. You can set this to a removable drive, for example.
Back-up Now
Click this button to create a backup whenever you like. This is a good idea before making major changes to your data.
Global Settings - "Back Orders" Tab
Allow Backorders on Invoices
Check this box if you want backordered items to appear on invoices.
If the option to "Automatically create P.O..." is enabled then MicroBiz will automatically bring up the Purchase Order screen for creation when backordering a product on the Work Screen. When the Purchase Order has been received (or item is in stock), you must load the customer on the Work Screen and use the FILL command to complete and fill the order.
If the option to "Automatically fill backorders enabled then MicroBiz will automatically fill an outstanding order when the product is sold on the Work Screen, without the need to use the "FILL" command.
For more information on backorders, see Chapter 6 - Inventory.
Business Type Settings
Changing these settings can dramatically affect the way the business controller is presented to the user. If your system is not functioning as it should, please contact MicroBiz Technical Support.
Figure 3-26
The Business Model is selected when first installing MicroBiz, but you have the ability to change this here:
- Click on the model description.
- Then click on Okay. (You have currently selected the appropriate Business Model. To confirm your selection the name will appear in the upper-left part of your Work Screen).
The various Business Models, other than the Standard Retail Model, will allow you to track items owned by your customers and the services you provide for each item, whether it be a shoe, a car, etc. If you do not need this specific tracking, choose the Standard Retail Model.
For more information on various MicroBiz modules, see Chapter 16 - Other Modules.
It is recommended that all workstations on a network use the same Business Model.
Setup Wizard
The Wizard will assist you in setting up some of the devices you may have attached to your computer such as the printers, cash drawer and the magnetic stripe reader or Cherry keyboard for swiping credit cards. The following pages include examples of dialog boxes found in the MicroBiz Setup Wizard.
This tool can get your hardware set up quickly, but it doesn't allow you to configure every possible hardware setting in MicroBiz. It is a good idea to use this Wizard for a quick and simple setup, but refer to the above setup categories for a more in depth settings.